《中华海洋法学评论》2022年第1期 (总第41期) Volume 18, Issue 1 |
发布时间: 2022-04-20 阅读次数: 668
卷首语 (Editor's Note) 论文(Articles) 蔡从燕:海洋公共秩序基本原理研究 CAI Congyan On the Fundamentals of the Public Order at Sea 廖诗评:国际争端解决中一方不出庭程序的事实认定——兼评“南海仲裁案”仲裁庭的相关做法 LIAO Shiping Fact-Finding in Non-appearance before International Courts and Tribunals: A Review of the Tribunal’s Practice in the South China Sea Arbitration 崔浩然:越南海上民兵的发展及其对南海局势的影响 CUI Haoran Evolution of Vietnam’s Maritime Militia and Its Impact on the Situation in the South China Sea 刘新新、徐鹏:中国与小岛屿国家在构建国际海洋法律秩序中的合作潜力初探 LIU Xinxin, XU Peng On the Potential of Cooperation between China and Small Island Developing States in the Construction of International Maritime Legal Order 新发展新文献(Recent Developments and Documents) 《中华人民共和国水下文物保护管理条例》 附录(Appendix) 《中华海洋法学评论》稿约 China Oceans Law Review Call for Papers 浏览全文请点击: HeinOnline https://heinonline.org/HOL/Index?index=journals/cholr&collection=journals |