《中国海洋法学评论》2015年卷第2期 (总22期) Volume 2015, Number 2

发布时间: 2015-12-09         阅读次数: 601

卷首语(Editor’s Note)



高圣惕:论中菲南海仲裁案的不可受理性、仲裁庭裁决的无效性及仲裁庭无管辖权的问题——特别针对菲国在2015 年7 月7-13 日听证会上提出的法律主张

Michael Sheng-ti GAU    The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on the South China Sea Disputes: Ineffectiveness of the Award, Inadmissibility of the Claims, and Lack of Jurisdiction, with Special Reference to the Legal Arguments Made by the Philippines in the Hearing on 7-13 July 2015


David L. VanderZwaag:2013 年《水俣公约》与北极环境保护:汞污染防治的希望与挑战
David L. VanderZwaag    The 2013 Minamata Convention and Protection of the Arctic Environment: Mercurial Promises and Challenges


LIN Zhen  
 Potential Cooperation between China and Sri Lanka in the Field of Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection: A Comparative Study of the Legislation of the Two States


张仁平、姜州阳、任袖语、杨迎:21 世纪海上丝绸之路——中斯双边海上合作
ZHANG Renping, JIANG Zhouyang, REN Xiuyu, YANG Ying   
 The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Sino-Sri Lanka Bilateral Maritime Cooperation


NIE Bomin     On the International Legal Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage


Po-hsing TSENG     Exploring Ship Emissions Mitigation Strategies for the Port of Shanghai


ZHANG Weiqiang     A Study on the Delimitation of the Sea of Japan


新发展与新文献(Recent Developments and Documents)
  2015 年我国命名的124 个国际海底地理实体名称信息
  Press Release: Arbitration between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China


  China Oceans Law Review Call for Papers
  Short-term Visiting Scholar Recruitment


China Oceans Law Review (Vol. 2015, No. 2).pdf
